Monday, April 19, 2010

Paging Clark Griswold

I spent most of today going through the process of changing my old consulting business into my new venture.  I am very excited about it but need about two - three months of planning before I can really get ready to debut my new plan.  Everything is going along swimmingly.  It's good to be busy and working toward something positive and new.  I think I spent too many years working from a defensive position in Project Management.  When you have to describe your job as "all you need to know is that you are never supposed to meet me" it doesn't exactly make for a lot of positive happy days.

It was time to move into something that uses my strange skill set in a way that is emotionally and mentally sustainable for me.  I'm very excited.  Details to follow.

Random Thoughts for today:
  • Anti-depressant commercials are depressing, thus making many people think they are depressed.   
  • The State of Texas makes up for not having a state income tax by taxing the shit out of everything else and also arresting people for blinking wrong.  I paid $300 to the state today just for a filing fee on my LLC. 
  • The State of Texas isn't as great as it thinks it is, but it's vastly better than some places.
  • Randy Quaid is a "bona-fide fugitive" according to the news today.  I can't understand how anybody loses Randy Quaid.  Have we learned nothing from Christmas Vacation?  He took the RV, drove to Dennis Quaid's house and is holing up there until the shitters full.  Case closed.  I'm like mother freakin' Colombo over here.
  • The show "Human Target"  has two major drawbacks. First, the main character looks like my ex-husband. Second, he falls in love with some chick in every episode.  It's implausible, much like my ex.

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